Issam Cherkaoui-Jaouadschool brussels

As a psychologist and teacher by training, graduated from the Faculty of Psychological Sciences and Education of ULB, I first present to you the different experiences and influences that have led to the accompaniment that I coach brussels

Having lived half of my life in Morocco and the other half in France and Belgium, I have developed a great sensitivity to the importance of the role we play within the environment in which we live. I have been able to develop a deep questioning about the meaning given to our existence and the impact of what is reflected back to us by the world around us. This questioning has accompanied me throughout my training and has allowed me to develop a number of tools (Adler’s Sense of Community, Nonviolent Communication, Psychoanalytic Analysis, etc.) that allow me to accompany people towards a sense of existence that enriches them and allows them to evolve more coach brussels

I also had the opportunity to work in day centers that specialized in different mental health issues (Addiction, Borderline Personality Disorder). This experience was very rich as it allowed me to combine individual accompaniment as a reference person with group accompaniment through various activities proposed and often organized by patients. I really became aware through this work of the rich and complex relationship that exists between an individual patient’s problem and his involvement in his network (Family, friends, work, etc.). It was necessary to take into account these two aspects simultaneously in order to effectively accompany the person towards a more fulfilling life that is felt to have more meaning.

In addition, my experience as a psychology teacher has allowed me to enrich my skills in terms of transmission and sharing of knowledge and skills. I had the opportunity to teach in different areas that revolve around psychology such as developmental psychology, communication, Applied Psychology, Conflict Couple Psychology and Psychoeducation. I had the opportunity to teach a very diverse audience:

Adolescents, Adults already integrated into the world of work, Adults returning to studies and Adolescents living with disabilities. This experience was also a great revelation for me in terms of the importance of sharing not only knowledge but also humanity and connection. Giving consideration, listening, respect and even a form of friendship to students was the main ingredient for an effective, healthy and motivating transmission for them and for me.
It is through all these experiences that I propose an accompaniment that will lead to a rich and bilateral evolution.

At the individual level, for adults, I offer work on a variety of issues (Depression, Burnout, Grief, Professional or Personal Difficulties, etc.) taking into account the personal experiences and interpersonal relationships. The goal is to find a new balance that will allow you to break out of a certain stagnation and rumination that is, for me, the main source of psychological suffering.School coach

I also offer work with adolescents on issues that are particularly prevalent in today’s society (School dropout, learning methods, career guidance, etc.). This will be an accompaniment that will primarily focus on the development of a combination of independence and autonomy through a relationship of respect, equality, and unconditional consideration.School coach

Finally, I can also help and accompany you in terms of communication within your couple. In a duo, it is unfortunately very easy to get stuck in an interaction that gives the impression that no way out towards healthy communication and clear understanding is possible. I would like, inspired by the tools of Nonviolent Communication and the detachment allowed by a more analytical reading, to try to assist you so that we can reach this exit door together.

Taking care to accompany you in a non-judgmental and strictly confidential manner, I pledge to put my entire self at your service during our sessions.
I propose that we work together on the wonderful journey you have chosen and awaken the courage that is already within you!

Do you have any questions or doubts, or would you like to make an appointment? Get in touch!

If you would like further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the secretriat.
You can make an appointment by telephone or by sending an email to our secretriat Professional Coach Bruxelles, to the attention of the coach of your choice

School coach Brussels

Vous êtes coach ?

Vous êtes coach, vous travaillez à temps plein ou à temps partiel dans votre cabinet? Cependant, trouver suffisamment de nouveaux clients peut être une difficulté pour de nombreux thérapeutes. D’autres ne sont tout simplement pas à l’aise en sollicitant activement de nouveaux clients. Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations sur ce que nous pouvons faire pour vous en tant que coach indépendant, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Les différents types de coaching

Améliorer mon niveau de structuration, rechercher les techniques de fonctionnement qui me correspondent et augmenter la confiance en soi.

  • Je commence à me connaître un peu mieux : Je décrypte mon profil de formation et les meilleures méthodes pour y parvenir.
  • Je décortique mon système d’organisation, ma gestion du temps et mes priorités. Je procède aux ajustements les plus pertinents.
  • Je décode et je mets à contribution mes forces pour optimaliser ma confiance en moi et mes aptitudes.
  • Je dépiste, je décortique, je discerne et je retire les barrières à mes acquisitions.

Qu’est-ce que le coaching scolaire ?

Le coaching est une technologie qui constitue à encadrer une personne par plusieurs méthodes, dans le but de lui permettre d’améliorer psychologiquement ses performances et donc d’optimiser ses performances dans un domaine ou un autre.